Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Giving Thanks Set #1

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ" 1 Thessalonians 5:18

With Thanksgiving only a week away, I thought that I would write down 100 things that I am grateful for. Every day I will write down around 12 things, and by Thanksgiving day I will 100 things that I am grateful for.

Set #1:

1. My Heavenly Father. There is no explanation needed. Jesus Christ is Lord. Only His perfect and unblemished blood can redeem me from my sins. For that, I am eternal grateful.

2. My dear mother. She is my closest friend and who is always there for me- no matter what! She cleans and cooks for me, she does my laundry. She has a strong desire to serve the Lord. She has blessed me with a wonderful mother-daughter relationship. She has taught me valuable lessons. She is irreplaceable. She is there to catch my tears.

3. My supportive dad. He is always there pushing me to do my best. He wakes up early and comes home late to support us and make sure that we have food on the table. He is there to listen to my problems and tries to help me fix them. He makes me laugh just when I need it. He fills up my gas tank when my money is tight. He has a strong passion for the Lord.

4. My caring brother. He wakes up early on his 'sleep-in-day' to make me breakfast before I have to go to work, because he knows that I am running behind and that I would otherwise skip it! He is going to make a girl a wonderful, valiant husband one day!

5. My little sister. I used to pray and ask God to bless me with a little sister, and He did! She makes us all laugh- even when we are upset.

6. Taylor Knopf. She is my closest friend. She understands me, and knows me too well. She is that BFF who is there no matter what- even if it is just to listen to you cry on the phone. She is supportive, but also rebukes me when necessary.

7. Natalie Hindt. Another really close friend, that came out of a mentoring relationship. She is such a sweet girl, who has a real zeal for the Lord. WHIPPERSNAPPERS! (haha)

8. Teren Sechrist. A dear friend, teacher and mentor. She taught me how to successfully write an essay (that makes sense!) She pushed me to my wits end and then continued to push because she saw the potential in me. She's cried with me, and rejoiced with me. She shared her passion for classical literature and poetry and got me hooked! I owe all my success in school to her. She pushed me to study God's word and desire to be more like Him. She cares. She shares so much wisdom- I am truly blessed to have known her.

9. Christy Brose. A dear friend and mentor. Another person in my life who listens to all my problems and lets me cry them all out. :-) She pushes me towards Godliness. Makes me laugh and shares her wisdom.

10. The Girls in the I Kissed Dating Goodbye Book Study from this summer. I so enjoyed studying God's word with you this summer! We all grew from that study, learned valuable lessons, and gained irreplaceable friendships.

11. A certain young man (who I am not going to specifically name.) You taught me that even friends can give their hearts away (even on accident). I so appreciated the friendship that grew over this past summer- and all the lessons learned.

12. Gary Papp. For teaching me history and building a friendship with me. You are so full of wisdom- I love talking with you

I will post set #2 tomorrow.


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